Cool Sketch Show

Cool Skool Sketch Show – Episode 7 (Lynsted, Chartham and Minterne Primary Schools)

The Cool Skool Sketch Show took to the roads to meet Year 5 and 6 kids from all over the county who came together to create comedy sketches and songs recorded in schools.

Over 350 children have taken part in comedy writing and recording workshops led by writers of TVs ‘Horrible Histories’ and ‘Dead Ringers’.

Check out what happens in Episode 7 when children from Lynsted, Chartham and Minterne Primary Schools get their funny on!

Cool Skool Sketch Show’ is the world’s first radio comedy show written and performed by kids and was aired at 07.30am and 3.30pm Mon 18th – Fri 22nd April powered by The Audio Content Fund – supported by the UK Government to fund independent producers making high quality, public service content for UK commercial and community radio and produced by Unusual.

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